Friday, December 28, 2007
White Christmas - uOttawa & Shopping mall (December 25)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
White Christmas - Parliament Hill (December 25)
People in my hometown usually ask me if there is a lot of holiday atmosphere surrounding me when it comes to Christmas in Canada. Well, to be frank, this pretty straightforward question is kinda hard for me to answer. Yes, during the Christmas season, people's homes, apartments, stores, shoppingmalls, restaurants, government buildin
Someone once told me that life is all about CHANGE and BALANCE, so I think we should always try to make ourselves happy and get some funs no matter where we are. As for Christmas, when my family is not here to celebrate with me, a good thing is I have my friends. A friend of mine and I went to uOttawa campus and then Parliament Hill in the afternoon of Christmas Day. Because we both think that only staying at home killing time is not what we should do on Christmas, at least not for my first Christmas at here :) So we brought our cameras and decided to give some nice shots to record this wonderful holiday season.
Parliament building is quite different from its usual looks in terms of color. Illuminations endow
When the sky was getting pretty dark at 5:30pm, it was also quite chilly and windy. If the temperature allowed, I guess I would have stayed there longer. After that visit, we both got some nice pictures , and also great memories. All in all, It was a wonderful Christmas day for me, thanks Ben!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Feel so Cheerful!
After three month study of MEBT program, I found one thing that worth mentioning. FINAL EXAM, the thing that makes you hate so much but also like much. Everytime when it closes to the final term, my life will become way busier than before, writing report and paper, making presentation one after another, preparing final exams etc. They can definitely keep me busy all weeks round.
As for final exam, I have to review all slides and other related handouts before it, no matter it is a closed or open book exam, a sit-down or take-home exam. To be
Sometimes, I blame myself deeply for not doing things, especially my study initiatively. In theory, I know that I shouldn't study just for the sake of the exam, but well, it is just hard to focus on the school stuff when there are a lot of attractive things distracting
Currently, I want to release myself from the heavy workload and strain, and enjoy deeply this wonderful Christmas and great holiday season. I'll hang out with my friends from time to time, do something I am really passionate and enthusiastic about, like photography^^, talk overseas with my family, cook and eat my favorite food, and wander around outside inhaling the fresh air. In a word, I'll cherish every FREE minute I got and have a lot of funs...Yes.
Wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Oh my goodness!
Today in the afternoon, when I opened the door, I was totally amazed by what I saw. This city is virtually wrapped up by the snow. On the both sides of the street, "snow walls" were built almost high up to my knees. And because "snow walls" took too much space, the footpath was only left about one-foot wide for walking. Can you imagine it?
Pedestrians have to wind the snow path carefully. It is definitely not a good day for seniors to go shopping. By the way, It might be the first time I got the feeling that I was so slow and clumsy on walking, quite embarrassed. But I changed my mind a moment later, cuz I just looked around ;)
One final exam was finished today. There are still, however, three more tasks undone. It seems I cannot be absolutely free until Christmas. Deadly looking forward to this winter holiday so that I can have a good, undisturbed, peaceful and relaxed S-L-E-E-P.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
-9 degree Celcius(feels like -18)
I was standing in front of my house, watching the snow falling
Felt the cold
Snow crept to everywhere...
Outside the gate of my house,
you can hardly see doorsteps leading to the road.
Snow was piled up along the footpath,
which I walk through everyday.
Snowy night..
Silent night..
Time, please stop at this moment
Don't know what is cold,
try to stand here like what I did
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
First Snowfall in Ottawa (Nov. 23)
On Saturday the 24th , I had a group disscussion in the afternoon. So i went to school and recorded the snowy scenes on campus. Pics. were taken by my cell phone as well.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Just For Fun - My Celebrity Look-alikes
I did My Celebrity Look-alikes by using two pictures of mine and here are the results. Tata Young is the celebrity that I am most alike, the likeness is about 83% something. As a matter of fact, I don't think we are really look-alikes. Maybe she is chosen due to the specific picture of me that I picked. When compared two results, I found that Joey Yung(容祖儿) - a singer from Hong Kong and Fujiki Naohito(藤木直人) - a Japanese actor and singer were shown twice. It must be kidding me, haha, how come that I looked like them. Then I began to doubt the authority of this online application until I spotted a name, Gong Li (巩俐), a world-wide renowned Chinese actress, that's right!
It reminded me of a short story. I still remembered vividly that one of my elementary teachers once said to me that I looked like Gong Li. Then I told my mom about this full of happiness. To my surprise, she laughed and said jokingly that my teacher better got a pair of glasses. At that time, I was kinda unsatisfied with her response. Now, this software also believes what my teacher has said, at least partially agrees ;) See,Mom, there must be something right.
Although the result is not accurate from my perspective, it is still fun to play with this software. If you are also interested in it, try it by yourself
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Chef is back :)
1. Chinese Pancake
2. Bell Peppers & Chicken Stir Fry
3. It is not a curry meal... It is Amy's Gourmet Curry Combo!!!
4. Ribs
5. Boiled Mussel
6. Shredded Pork with Spicy Sauce (Yu Xiang Rou Si)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Colorful Days
photo by Amy Qiu, SonyEricsson w810i Pictures